If you didn’t know you could change your background on Zoom, then honey, it’s time to step into the future. Now that the vaccine is being distributed, these might even be some of your last Zoom calls ever, so make them count with a good background you’ll remember! There’s no denying that the appeal of constantly video-chatting your friends or having a Zoom meeting every single morning has lost its novelty now that most of us have been social-distancing for over a year-but there are ways to make it more enjoyable and these funny backgrounds are a great start.

Granted, there’s nothing fun about having to distance from others and work from home to avoid catching a virus, but hey! We were out here doing out best we could to make a bad situation a little more bearable, and these funny backgrounds were here to help. Now, I’ve been Zooming all day, every day for the past year and a half or so, and I rely on funny zoom backgrounds to make the experience a little more ~fun~.

Tap Close to return to your meeting with your new background.When Zoom first hit the video chat scene many moons ago, I had no idea how large a part of my life it would become. To upload your own background, tap the plus symbol and select an image. Tap Virtual Background on the menu, and then select a background. If you’re using the Zoom mobile app, join or create a meeting, and then tap the More button at the bottom-right corner. The selected background will now be your default background in all Zoom meetings. To choose a background, select one of the options, or click the plus sign to upload your own. If you don’t have a green screen but see a Download option under “Enable smart virtual background,” click it to emulate a green screen. If you have a green screen behind you, check the box next to “I have a green screen.” Though a green screen isn’t required, it’ll make your background look a lot more realistic. Now, click Background & Filters in the menu that runs along the left side of the page. To change your background in the Zoom desktop app, click your profile photo at the top right corner and select Settings. If the switch is blue, you can change your background! If not, click the switch to turn it blue. To do this, sign in to your Zoom account at /signin, click Settings or My Meeting Settings in the left panel, and then scroll down to the “Virtual Background” switch. Before you can change your background in Zoom, you’ll need to enable Virtual Backgrounds for your account.