
Zodiac degree chart
Zodiac degree chart

zodiac degree chart

Sometimes 4, 5, or even more planets form a conjunction in a house. In the Krishnamurti Astrology System, when Dasha, Antardasha, Pratyantar Dasha form a relationship with the houses, and when the planet Antardahsa Nath becomes the director planet of that respective house, then only that planet becomes capable of providing results.

zodiac degree chart

The ruling planets also have special significance in the Krishnamurti System because the questions of any person can be answered through it by creating a Prashna Kundali. For this, Krishnamurti System Horary is used. One of the most fascinating things about the Krishnamurti System is that if a person is unaware of their birth date, time, etc., they still can get the answers to their questions. For business, the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses are important. In the same way for education, 2nd, 4th, and 11th houses are considered. If both are together, then we will count the middle age. If it becomes the Lord of the 5th, 9th, or 10th, then life will be complete. If the first house of Kashpa becomes the Lord of the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, then the life span will be 33 years. The timing of when will we get the resultįor example, if you want to know about your life, it can be identified from the first house of Kashpa.Will we get the outcomes related to the house or not.Two things are important in Astrology prediction. The planet on Number 1 is the most powerful, while that on Number 5 is the weakest. The fulfillment or aspect of the director planet.Planets placed in the constellation of the lord of the house.The planet staying in the constellation of the planet in the house.The director becomes stronger as per the sequence shown below.

zodiac degree chart

In the KP Horary System, the director of a house is of utmost importance. The expansion of the Upa or Sub is based on the time of Vishontari Dasha of the planet. The expansion of the constellations is divided into 9 parts known as Upa or Sub in the Krishnamurti Astrology System. The Vishontari Dasha order consists of the Dasha of Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each part will be 120 degrees and consist of 4 zodiac signs- Aries to Cancer in the first, Leo to Scorpio in the second, and Sagittarius to Pisces in the third. In this method, the zodiac circle is divided into 3 ways parts of 360 degrees. After counting the 6 houses, add 6 degrees to the above 6 houses after counting the remaining 6 houses. The Lagna (ascendant) mathematics is done by adopting the Sampatik time method, and the Niryan counting of the 6th house is done using the Universal Table.

Zodiac degree chart